Merion Village Dental Blog

MVD’s No Cavity Club for Adults

February 02, 2021

Merion Village

Categories: Around the Office, Dental Health, MVD Patients

The Merion Village Dental Adult No Cavity Club is a fun way for us to celebrate dental health no matter your age! Get rewards just by keeping up with your oral hygiene!

Gum Inflammation Causes & Treatments

January 25, 2021

Merion Village

Categories: Dental Health, Dentistry FAQs, General Dentistry

Gum inflammation is quite common in the US, but could also indicate worse dental problems. Learn more about swollen gum causes & treatments!

Smile Report: October 2020

October 13, 2020

Rob Florimonte

Categories: MVD Patients, Smile Report

Dentistry During COVID-19: What You Need to Know

May 18, 2020

Merion Village

Categories: MVD Patients

Dental visits are a common source of anxiety for many people. Now add a global pandemic and your oral health might take a backseat. Here at Merion Village Dental, we want to assure you that you are in the best hands when you step into our office. While we might be living in a time…
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Need an Extraction? Here’s What to Expect

November 21, 2017

Merion Village

Categories: MVD Patients

Modern dentistry can work wonders when it comes to saving or repairing a damaged tooth. But even with the latest advances in technology and procedures, there are still situations where the removal of a tooth is necessary. And although the idea of a dental extraction may seem extreme, the procedure is straightforward, safe, concealable, and…
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What is the Link Between Diabetes and Periodontal Disease?

October 31, 2017

Merion Village

Categories: MVD Patients

Researchers have been trying to understand the connection between gum disease and other aspects of overall health for years. But a study recently led by the University of Pennsylvania may shed some new light on the subject—there may be a correlation between diabetes and Periodontal Disease, or gum disease. That link may be more ambiguous…
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What are Dental Caries, and Who Do They Affect?

August 08, 2017

Merion Village

Categories: General Dentistry

If your dentist mentioned something about ‘dental caries’ at your last appointment, you may not have been familiar with the phrase. That could be because we most frequently refer to them as cavities or tooth decay – the most common type of oral disease. Dental caries can affect any of us, but with the proper…
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Do You Know What Is Causing Your Bad Breath?

July 18, 2017

Merion Village

Categories: Dentistry FAQs

Bad breath can leave you feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable. But since the causes of persistent bad breath, or halitosis, can be different from person to person, solving the issue isn’t always easy. Understanding the potential causes of bad breath is the first step toward finding a solution. And if everything else is ruled out, a…
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How to Avoid Bruxism & Ease Jaw Pain

June 20, 2017

Merion Village

Categories: General Dentistry

Using A Night Guard to Reduce Jaw Pain & Discomfort Waking with a headache or a sore jaw isn’t the ideal way to start the day. But for the 10 to 15 percent of us who suffer from bruxism, the pain and soreness of teeth grinding and jaw clenching can be a daily inconvenience. But…
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Do I Absolutely Need to Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

May 23, 2017

Merion Village

Categories: Dentistry FAQs

It’s a question we all face – do I need to have my wisdom teeth removed? The short answer is likely yes. While having one’s wisdom teeth removed is not always necessary, it almost always makes sense to have the procedure completed. Understanding what wisdom teeth are is one of the first steps in making…
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