Merion Village Dental Blog

3 Health Tips You May Not Know Help Fight Gum Disease

July 12, 2023


Categories: MVD Patients

Gum Health Tips In Columbus Ohio

Your smile is a deep part of your confidence. Why not keep your oral health at top priority? One common oral condition many people face is gum disease, also known as periodontal disease.The good news is that you can take action to protect your gums and fight gum disease with three simple and often overlooked…
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5 Tips To Improve Your Whole Family’s Dental Health

January 31, 2023

Rob Florimonte

Categories: MVD Patients

When it comes to taking care of your overall physical health, having excellent oral hygiene is a must. Poor dental care can lead to a variety of much bigger problems and diseases, which is why it’s important to stay on top of your health. It’s no secret that piquing your family’s interest in this subject…
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5 Signs You Need Emergency Dental Care

November 30, 2022

Rob Florimonte

Categories: MVD Patients

We’ve all experienced a small toothache or mouth pain from time to time, however there is a fine line between minor pains and warning signs of an actual emergency. Symptoms in the early stages are often time overlooked due to many reasons: fear of the dentist, lack of insurance, or sometimes you just may not…
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Mouth Guards For Sleep Apnea: Pros & Cons

October 12, 2022

Merion Village

Categories: MVD Patients

Do your friends and family tell you all the time that you snore really loudly? Do you still feel tired after a full night of sleep? There’s a chance you may be suffering from sleep apnea. Luckily, treatments like mouth guards for sleep apnea are easy to come by.   But what is this condition? What causes…
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How To Improve Your Gum Health & Celebrate All Year ‘Round

October 12, 2022

Merion Village

Categories: MVD Patients

Bright white teeth and minty fresh breath are great, but if you’re seeking the true indication of great oral hygiene, look no further than the gums. Pink, firm and smooth – these are the telltale signs of healthy gums. And, as September approaches, we are gearing up for this year’s National Gum Care Month by…
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September is National Gum Care Month!

September 19, 2022

Merion Village

Categories: Dental Health, General Dentistry

How To Improve Gum Health

September is National Gum Care Month! We’re here to highlight the importance of great gum care along with the connection between the gums & your overall health.

Your Wisdom Teeth Grew In, Now What?

August 16, 2022

Merion Village

Categories: MVD Patients

wisdom teeth extraction in Columbus Ohio

Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Pulled Can Be Scary Something you may not look forward to as you come of age? Wisdom teeth removal.  Most people eventually need to get their wisdom teeth pulled. And while this procedure is extremely common, that doesn’t make it any less intimidating. It’s important to schedule your appointment with a…
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What Makes A Good Dentist?

May 11, 2021

Merion Village

Categories: Children's Dentistry, Dental Health, Dentistry FAQs, General Dentistry

What Makes A Good Family Dentist

A good family dentist will communicate with you every step of the way along of your dental health journey. Learn more about what makes a great dentist!

What Do Dentists Look for in X-Rays? (It’s Not What You’d Expect)

March 22, 2021

Merion Village

Categories: Dental Health, Dentistry FAQs, General Dentistry

What Dentists Look For In Xrays

X-Rays Are Important & Help Us Uncover Dental Issues That Are More Thank Skin-Deep While getting x-rays at the dentist might not be on your list of favorite things to do, it should be on your list of most important things to do. X-rays can help dentists spot problems in your mouth far before they…
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6 Tips for Dental Care at Home

February 23, 2021

Merion Village

Categories: Dental Health, Dentistry FAQs, General Dentistry

From choosing the right foods & drinks, to brushing at least twice a day, we have 6 tips designed to make your smile brighter & healthier!

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